Every portrait is as unique as the individual or group.
Only after a thorough discussion of expectations
can we begin to estimate cost.

I do not discount for watercolor.
Nor for promises of future work.
Large volume contracted, extented work
can be discussed.

Prices quoted after determining specifics of the portrait.

Head & shoulders
18" x 24" to 24" x 30"
(no hands, simple background)

Three-quarter, formal
30" x 40" to 45" x 60"

Full Length
30" x 40" to mural (Actual size)

Each Additional Figure.
80% per additional figure

Prices are the same as for a formal portrait and will vary
depending on the specifics of each commission.

Please note:
It is very important to discuss and determine
exactly what we are working to achieve,
before an exact fee is set.

Expenses and Framing are additional
and can be quoted with portrait fee
but after specifications of the frame
are determined.

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